Health & LifeStyle
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A Vegan’s Guide on What to Eat Before and After Workout

What Are the Best Pre- and Post-Workout Meal Options for Vegans?
Choosing the right foods to eat before and after a workout is important, particularly for vegans. Read this guide to know how to fuel up before and after e
Earth Day: Celebrating 50 years

50 Years Celebrating Earth Day: Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Earth Day united groups that had been fighting individually against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss of wilderness and the extinction of wildlife around these shared common values. It achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from opposing political parties, the rich and poor, urban dwellers and farmers, business and labor leaders. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...
Athlete Health & LifeStyle Popular Supplements Training
Twins Conquer Oceans7 - The Ultimate Endurance Battle

The Oceans7 is a grueling challenge consisting of seven of the most dangerous open water swims in the world. These swims range in distance from 9 to 26 miles, and must be completed without assistance from others, or the use of equipment of any kind. During each swim, swimmers can expect to encounter strong currents, extreme cold, and dangerous sea life. Due to these factors, swimmers are permitted to have a support crew, and a safety boat. The crew is permitted to assist swimmers with hydration and nutrition stops every 30 minutes, to ensure they are getting the proper fuel...
Health & LifeStyle News Popular Supplements
The Vegan Movement - Protein

Veganism is a growing trend with more and more people adopting the lifestyle every day. The origin of one's desire to try to eat a more plant-based diet or convert to being wholly vegan may stem from several key factors. Perhaps it's about the exploitation of animals, for personal health reasons or for the good of our planet's environment. Certainly all of the above are valid reasons for consideration of becoming vegan. As our environmental concerns come to the forefront of global politics; there is a push to ensure we leave behind a sustainable planet for future generations. The mass production...
Health & LifeStyle News Popular Recipe Supplements Training Weight loss
Want to See More Muscle? Start in the Kitchen

We’ve all been there. You’re rocking the training schedule, keeping active on your off days and drinking your protein shakes. But you’re just not getting the muscle definition you expect. The answer might not be to just spend more time in the gym, but to also spend more time in the kitchen. Body fat percentage can hide the muscle definition you’re looking for. Even when you’re eating well, consuming too many or the wrong type of calories can produce extra body fat. Remember, your body’s defense mechanisms stores extra calories as fat, in case it needs the energy later on....