Training — Supplements
Health & LifeStyle Popular Supplements Training Weight loss
5 Strong Benefits of Weightlifting for Women

The sad truth is that the vast majority of women, including those who regularly workout, avoid weight training because of an irrational fear that they will “bulk up”. So let’s put that one to rest right now. Bulky muscles are largely the result of testosterone. Without it, you’ll have a tough time building muscle. Men have 15 to 20 times more testosterone than women. Without the same levels of testosterone, women will not “bulk up”, or look like a man, if they start a weightlifting program. The myth surrounding women bulking up is unfortunate because it robs so many of...
Health & LifeStyle News Popular Supplements Training
Biceps and Backs Make a Great Workout Pair

Is there a time when you visit the gym that you don’t work on your biceps? After all, they are the poster child for everything bodybuilding. From gyms to supplement makers, a bulging bicep is your assurance that they are the place to go and the products to use. You can’t say the same for your back muscles. First of all, you can’t see them when you’re working out, even in a mirror, so you don’t get nearly the same satisfaction of watching them pump as you workout. And back muscles are rarely used to advertise anything. The emphasis on...
Health & LifeStyle Popular Supplements Training
How Often Should I Train?

This is one of the most common questions we hear. And it doesn’t just come from beginners. Even experienced bodybuilders can wonder about the frequency of their training sessions as their muscle development progresses and they require more or different routines to keep it going. But just because it’s common doesn’t make it any easier to answer. To get an idea of why, think about this question: “how much weight should I lift?” It’s almost impossible to answer. Even if you take the “lift as much weight as is needed to see results” route, that still leaves out the question of...