Training — Weight loss
Health & LifeStyle News Popular Training Weight loss
9 Big Benefits of Taking Cold Showers

Don’t you just love a nice, hot shower? There’s nothing quite like the inviting warmth to make you feel good all over. And cold showers are like getting a needle, you can handle it, but you hate it. There’s a reason why we love hot showers so much and hate cold showers even more. Water conducts heat away from our bodies faster than air. It’s why you could be comfortable outside without a jacket in 20°C/68°F weather, but you would freeze your #^*&s off if you jumped into the water of the same temperature. Your body is programmed...
Health & LifeStyle Popular Supplements Training Weight loss
5 Strong Benefits of Weightlifting for Women

The sad truth is that the vast majority of women, including those who regularly workout, avoid weight training because of an irrational fear that they will “bulk up”. So let’s put that one to rest right now. Bulky muscles are largely the result of testosterone. Without it, you’ll have a tough time building muscle. Men have 15 to 20 times more testosterone than women. Without the same levels of testosterone, women will not “bulk up”, or look like a man, if they start a weightlifting program. The myth surrounding women bulking up is unfortunate because it robs so many of...